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Hawaii Anole Lizard

Photography, Recipes

Garden Pics

September 24, 2013

Big Beef ClusterI took this photo a little while back when the Big Beefs were in full bloom.

Big Beef RipeningHere’s a Big Beef ripening in the Maui sunshine.

Brown AnoleYikes!  These Brown Anole lizards are everywhere these days.  They scurry around in the garden jumping from one herb to another.  They quickly run for cover when they see you but I was able to get pretty close to this guy.

Marjoram FlowersMarjoram has a delicate floral aroma and goes exceptionally well in Braised Cannellini Beans in olive oil.  They are beautiful cut and placed in a slender vase for your windowsill.

Baby Arugula 2Arugula grows so easily, and fast.  I love its rich, peppery flavor.  Give this arugula salad a try.

Papaya FlowerBeautiful Sunset papaya flower.  This particular papaya has a salmon-pink flesh and is sweet as can be.  This papaya tree is “low bearing.”  What this means is that the fruit develops lower on the stalk than the typical Solo Papaya.

Baby Papayas Baby Sunset Papayas.

John and Mango Tree John under our huge White Pirie Mango tree!

McChicken“McChicken” has been living the good life across the street from us for years, keeping the neighborhood bugs at bay.  We once saw “McChicken” gobble down a 6 inch centipede!

AvosGreen Gold avocados.  Waiting patiently…

Fresh TomatoesHome grown tomatoes can’t be beat.  Slice and drizzle with good extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle with coarse sea salt, freshly ground pepper and feta cheese.

Tomato Slices

Hawaiian Chili Pepper 2Hawaiian Chili Pepper.  A popular condiment in Hawaii – Hawaiian Chili Pepper Water.



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